VS Code & Python Projects

posted in: Software 0

*** these notes are a work-in-progress and will be updated as needed *** This post documents how I set up projects in Python and how to configure VS Code for debugging. Project Structure There are 2 basic forms of project … Read More

MySQL and Server Side Cursors

posted in: Software, Windows, Linux 0

Common wisdom says “MySQL does not support server side cursors”. I searched and did not find anything that indicated this was old information (read on). After a lot of unsuccessful work to get MySQL to handle cursors with 1 million … Read More

Address Parsing Routine

posted in: Software 0

To support a marketing project, I developed a screen scraping program which harvested names and addresses from a county public website and downloaded the information in a csv format. This file was then edited in Excel and mail merged to … Read More

PHPList and Dreamhost

posted in: Software 0

Intro I have been testing PHPList on Dreamhost. Yes Dreamhost offers an Announcement list, but I needed something with a nicer interface and PHPList seems to be the product of choice. After getting it to run, I needed a place … Read More