Examples of formatting the byline and metadata line
[tpg_get_posts cat="flowers" numberposts=2 byline_fmt=" ,dp"
On a walk in Durres, I found this beautiful flowering bush. And this text has been added to test the more-link. (read more…)
Date only on by line
[tpg_get_posts cat="flowers" numberposts=2 byline_fmt=",dp" dp_fmt="F j, Y,,"
On a walk in Durres, I found this beautiful flowering bush. And this text has been added to test the more-link. (read more…)
[tpg_get_posts cat="flowers" numberposts=2 metaline_fmt=" ** ,cat,tag"
On a walk in Durres, I found this beautiful flowering bush. And this text has been added to test the more-link. (read more…)
[tpg_get_posts cat="flowers" numberposts=2 metaline_fmt=" ** ,cat,tag,auth"
On a walk in Durres, I found this beautiful flowering bush. And this text has been added to test the more-link. (read more…)
[tpg_get_posts fields="title, byline" cat="flowers" numberposts=2 byline_fmt=" ,dp" ul_class="tpg-ul-class" title_tag="p" ]